von Mentzer Lab

Astrid is a researcher and have recently established as a prinicpal invetsigator at the Department of Microbiology and Immunology and is a Vsiiting Researcher at the Wellcome Sanger Institute in the Thomson Group since 2021. As she is establishing a research group the focus lies in building competencies bridging the fileds of experimental biology and computational sciences. The overall focus of the group is investigating the species-wide dynamics and movement of virulence and antibiotic reisstance genes across E. coli. Before starting the von Mentzer Group in 2022, Astrid was awarded two prestigous postdoctoral Fellowships and joined the Thomson Group at the Wellcome Sanger Institute in Cambridge, UK. She is continuing close collarboations with multiple members of the Thomson team. in 2016 Astrid earned her Ph.D for her study of the evolutionary history of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) and the discovery of multiple colonisation factors. Astrid is co-chairing the Future Faculty at Sahlgrenska Academy and represents Future faculty in the National Junior Faculty we strive ti create the best possible academic environment that enables early career researchers to achive their full potential. Astrid is compassionate for community outreach and is the lead organiser of the Soapbox Science Event which is an annual event promoting woman in science.

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