von Mentzer Lab

Join the Team

Postdoctoral Researchers - Scholarship available - Apply now!

We are expanding - Are you interested in doing a postdoc in microbial genomics with a focus on virulence and antimicrobial resistance please apply!

For more information: Click here!

The von Mentzer Group welcomes postdoctoral researchers who is interested in joining the team and willing to apply for their own funding, for example Marie-Curie Fellow Postdoc Grant or similar. Please contact Astrid von Mentzer to set up a time to discuss your interest.

General Qualifications for Postdocs and PhD-candidates

  1. Postdoc candidates are expected to have an MD, PhD, or equivalent, with a strong background in bioinformatics, microbiology or closely related field and at least some programming experience. PhD-candidates are expected to have a MSc or equivalent in Molecular Biology, Microbiology, Bioinformatics, Computational or Systems Biology, or a related field.

  2. The ideal candidate will have a track record of scientific productivity and leadership, and will strive for robust and reproducible analytical workflows.

  3. Depending on the project, may it be computational or experimental, the candidate is expected to be open to expand their knowledge in either field.


To apply, provide a CV, a statement of research interests and your motivation for applying (maximum 1 page), and the names and contact information for two-three references. After you’ve sent your CV and statement please contact Astrid von Mentzer to set up a time to discuss your interest. Email: astrid.von.mentzer@gu.se

Graduate Students

Graduate students who are interested in joining the team depend on the existing funds. If you are from abroad and willing to apply for you own funding to join the team please contact Astrid von Menzter to set up a time for further discussion.

We aim to assist our students in acquiring a thorough grasp of the computational techniques necessary for data-heavy scientific research or expand their comprehension of experimental methodologies to validate genomic findings. Members are encourage to try both the computation and biolgical side of research. To achieve this, we offer extensive training opportunities, including both group and individual meetings, and an encouraging laboratory setting.

Undergraduate Students

We welcome undergraduate students into our lab. Undergraduate researchers have become first authors on papers submitted on research that they performed as part of our group. We are happy to train undergraduates in many aspects of data-intensive biology, and we have high expectations for their level of commitment to research.

If you are an undergraduate interested in discussing research opportunities please contact Astrid von Mentzer.