von Mentzer Lab

Welcome Esmee and Melek - new students!

We are delighted to welcome two new students to the von Mentzer Lab!
Esmee Shenkeveld - MSc-student
We are pleased to introduce our new MSc student, Esmee, who will be focusing on investigating a recently identified colonisation factor, CS23. Her research will delve into the plasmids carrying CS23 from isolates collected in Bolivia, spanning both patients and the environment. This important work aims to enhance our understanding of how CS23 contributes to E. coli colonisation and its implications for public health.
Melek Ebrar Emer - Erasmus-student
We are also thrilled to welcome an Erasmus student, Melek, who will be part of our lab for the next semester. Melek will be working on a large-scale project invetsigating the plasmidome of ETEC.

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